Laws And Regulations

Foreign Ownership
Qatar’s legal framework enables 100% foreign ownership across multiple sectors, reflecting the country’s commitment to fostering a welcoming and competitive business environment. This approach is bolstered by a variety of incentives, including protections against expropriation, the ability to repatriate profits, and exemptions from certain taxes and customs duties, ensuring a supportive and secure landscape for international investors.
Aligning with the goals articulated in Qatar National Vision 2030, Qatar has implemented legislations aimed at attracting foreign investments in different sectors of the economy and facilitating investors’ access to the Qatari market. Foreign Investment Law (Law No. 1 of 2019) provides for the establishment of 100% foreign-owned companies, along with a few incentives and benefits for non-Qatar investors or in accordance with the regulations outlined by the law.
The incentives provided by the foreign investment law for non-Qatari investors are as follows:
1. Allocation of land for the establishment of investment projects through rent or usufruct.
2. Exemption from income tax as stipulated under Income Tax Law.
3. Exemption from customs duties on the following:
Project Machinery and Equipment.
Raw and semi-manufactured goods required for production, that are unavailable locally.
4. Expropriation only for the public interest and in a non-discriminatory matter and investors are to be paid fair compensation.
5. Provision to transfer the ownership of the investment to any other investor or relinquish it in favor of the national partner in case of a joint venture.
6. Except for labor disputes, settling disputes with third parties through arbitration or any other means of dispute settlement.
The council of ministers may grant investment project incentives and benefits in addition to the incentives provided by law on the suggestion of the Minister.
The 100% foreign ownership law does not apply to banking and insurance sectors, companies engaged in the exploitation of natural resources, commercial agencies, and any other sectors decided by the council of ministers.